Requiem for the Falling Petals - When the Cherry Blossoms Descend in Nature's Farewell - Poem Lyrics in English


Requiem for the Falling Petals - When the Cherry Blossoms Descend in Nature's Farewell - Poem Lyrics in English

Amidst the zephyrs' gentle sway,

A requiem for falling petals begins its lay.

Cherry blossoms, in delicate descent,

Nature's farewell, a fleeting event.

Soft whispers in the breeze, a mournful song,

As petals cascade, a dance lifelong.

In the boughs, where blossoms once thrived,

A requiem for falling petals is contrived.

Blushing hues, a canvas in the air,

Each petal a memory, exquisite and rare.

In the springtime's embrace, they unfurl,

A farewell ballet, in Nature's swirling swirl.

Sunset hues, a painter's delight,

As falling petals bid the day goodnight.

In the stillness of the garden's reprieve,

A requiem echoes, in the falling leaves.

Cherry blossoms, ephemeral and bright,

Falling gracefully, a celestial flight.

A requiem composed by the whispering breeze,

For the falling petals, a tranquil tease.

Requiem for the Falling Petals - When the Cherry Blossoms Descend in Nature's Farewell - Poem Lyrics in English

The boughs stand bare, a somber display,

As the requiem concludes, and petals lay.

Nature weeps in the fading light,

For the falling petals, a poignant sight.

So, let the requiem linger in the air,

For the falling petals, a beauty so rare.

In the garden's hush, where memories dwell,

A requiem for falling petals, a gentle farewell.

In the gentle breeze of spring, cherry blossoms sway,

Their beauty a fleeting moment, before they fade away.

With each delicate petal's fall, a whisper in the air,

A requiem for the season, in nature's tender care.

As they descend from branches, in a graceful, silent flight,

The cherry blossoms bid farewell, to the day and the night.

Their blossoms, like tears, paint the earth below,

A poignant reminder of the cycle we all know.

Oh, falling petals, your dance a solemn song,

A tribute to the beauty that doesn't last long.

In your fragile descent, we find a bittersweet grace,

A reminder of life's transient embrace.

So let us cherish each moment, as the petals gently fall,

For in their fleeting beauty, we find the most precious of all.

And in the requiem for the falling petals, we see,

The beauty of impermanence, in nature's symphony.

In nature's farewell, the cherry blossoms fall,

A requiem whispered, a delicate call,

Petals drift softly, in the breeze's gentle sway,

As they bid adieu to the end of their day.

Each blossom a symbol of fleeting grace,

A reminder of life's ephemeral embrace,

Their beauty fading, like stars at dawn,

In the quietude of twilight, they are drawn.

As they carpet the earth in a blanket of white,

A requiem for the falling petals takes flight,

A song of farewell, a bittersweet tune,

As they return to the earth, beneath the moon.

Yet in their descent, there's a subtle art,

A testament to nature's eternal heart,

For even in endings, there's beauty to find,

In the requiem for the falling petals, intertwined.

So let us pause and cherish this fleeting sight,

As the cherry blossoms bid farewell to the night,

For in their descent, a symphony swells,

A requiem for the falling petals, in nature's farewell.

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